
Evernia sp. (Antlered Perfume)
antler lichen/ Fruticose Lichens are characterized by their erect stalks which have no distinguishable upper and lower surfaces. I found this on a highly branched twig, it is a pale gray lichen and I found it on a Hemlock so I that is how I came to the conclusion that it was a common Antler Lichen, they often grow on Hemlocks. 

    Platismatia sp. (Rag Lichen)- Medium-sized thallus; pale green to almost white. Upper surface deeply pitted and ridged with a dark green color in the pitted areas. Apothecia are brown but not always present. In coniferous forest canopy and on hardwoods it can be found, but I found this one on the ground covering a stick. 

Turkey Tail

Turkey Tail- Trametes versicolor- is a common polypore mushroom found throughout the world. I hiked up the biggest hill I could in Ravena and I found this large log on the ground with these small Turkey Tails. Turkey Tail is a common bracket fungus. It is a spoon or cup shape and is up to four inches wide. The colors can range from brown, white, tan, orange and red. They often overlap each other. They usually "bloom" from may to December. They can last several years. 

Artists Conk- 
Artist's Conk, or ganoderma applanatum, are braket-like mushrooms that can be found on dead wood or the injuried portions of living trees. Artist's conk is considered a perennial polypore that can live up to 50 years. The underside is white while the top can be dark browns to black. Artist's conk can be used for a variety of dietary and medicinal purposes.

Black Morel- is a genus of edible mushrooms and is closely related to the cup fungi. They have a very distinct shape that is similar to honeycomb.  It was not taller than 2 cm, they have spore disposal and through ingestion. They are cluster in the M. Elata group. The stem is fairly dark as well as the body of the cap. These mushrooms can be difficult to find but when they are found are defiantly worth eating!! I found three of the, and sautéed them with a soy garlic sauce, with rice and tofu and it was magical!!!

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